Relationship of Phlebotomy and Venipuncture
Phlebotomy - is taken from the greek word "Phleb" means referring a vessel" and "tomy"
means to make an incision) The procedure is known as a venipuncture which is the process of performing an incision or making a cut or wound using a sharp object. Phlebotomist is called to the person has the title, who performs phlebotomy but in many countries doctors and nurses do of some work of phlebotomy procedures.
Phlebotomist who are they?

Phlebotomists | Phlebotomy Technician a collector of blood samples is their primary function by making an incision to patients by means of venipuncture or mirotechniques. Venipuncture is a puncture to a vein for witdrawal of blood and administering drug or radiopaque dye used for radiographic puposes. Microtechniques is compose of different methods use for handling and and putting material ready for microscopic observation and study. Phlebotomy Technician manages the collection and transfortation specimens to laboratories and sometimes the patient's only are going to visit the medical laboratory. Standard practice of Phlebotomist is to ensure the safety of patient's and strict mandates a professional behavior.
Phlebotomy Procedures - it is perform by a trained nurese or a phlebotomist or technician. before puncturing the skin, the site is wipe with an antiseptic, and an elastic band or known as tourniquet is tied in the sited arm to prevent the from flowing out. Blood is of course extracted from vein at back (posterior portion) of the hand where veins marking are clearly visible. The phlebotomist sense the vien with his/her index finger to be able to select a appropriate vien use for extracting blood.The phlebotomy technician inserts the needle and withdraw a right amount of blood from the targeted vein. The amount of blood extracted is depending on purpose and some test such as blood typing requires only a little amount of blood and are taken from finger tips using a lancet a small needle common use for blood sugar testing at home, but when performing a bloodtyping the blood is placed on a glass slides. If blood sample taken is not enough the finger tips may be pressed to obtain and complement the insufficient blood sample.

Furthermore a 450 - 500 mL blood is extracted on the blood donors. Therapeutic phlebotomy like (a condition of too much iron are absorbs in the food we eat) treatment usually extracted a 250mg of iron per week until the unit or amount of iron is back in normal quantity. Another condition is polycythemia vera (a condtion in bone marrow that abnormally produces an excessive amount of red blood cells). The procedure in polycythemia is that removes sufficient blood from patient to become hematocrit (the normal amount of redblood cell is 38.8 to 50 % for adult men and 34 to 44.5 % for adult women the normal range in children varies corresponds to age and sex in 15 years old below.) the duration of session depends on patients needs.
There are 2 main blood services centers is where the phlebotomist are required, one is the blood bank and diagnostic centers to have a knowledge on every detail of technique and inside the blood room. In preparing for blood extraction, there are primary steps that are required on every successful blood collection procedure.
The step and tips on how to draw blood from the patient.
Phlebotomist and trained nurses draw blood to perform different medical test.
1. You must great the patient when its arrived to your station.
2.Restrictions should be verified
3. Explain to him/ her the procedure
4. Tranquilize - it is a use of drugs to patient to make him relax and calm
5. Identify the patient - he or she must be called with their names, this will make them comfortable communicating with you.
6. Prepare the order/request of physician
7. Assemble the needed supplies like tubes, syringe, etc.
8. Position the patient that make him or her comfortable
9. Examine the patient for the drawing of blood or let the patient decide.
10. Perform the venipuncture procedures
11. Manage the tubes and label it in view of the patient
12. Clean area
13. Dismiss patient
Apply online Phlebotomy Certificate from CDPH.
- Download the a phlebotomy regulations overview in Power Point.
- If your an experienced phhlebomist or new and would like to get a certificate issued from California State under the current phlebotomy regulations you may download the step by step table process. Here> How to obtain a Phlebotomy Certificate.
- The national phlebotomy certification examinations that is already approved for state certification purposes. If you pass one of these examinations you will be qualified for the examination requirements for state certification. all other requirments, like education, training and payments of fees to the state, must also be met. download the Approved Phlebotomy Certification Examinations
- Here are some list of all approved present Phlebotomy training schools programs in the state.
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